Thursday, January 11, 2018

Initial Designs

To begin I used the Penguin Marber Ratio Grid which I found whilst writing my essay to create a basic text layout for the cover.  I liked the idea of using big numbers to show what number book it is in the series as with the consistency of the cover I found it would not be as obvious what order the books should go in. I didn't want to use many colours other than Blue and red within my designs to keep to my theme.

I felt that different variations of Gill Sans worked with my covers as a serif font would feel to traditional whereas the sans serif font relates more to technology and is know for being easy to read for all audiences and has been on the covers of Penguin books throughout its history.

I found a way of including a subtle link to technology within my cover through layout. On the cover there is a boarder which resemble an iPhone or iPad screen, along with the placement of the penguin logo to resemble a home button. I also found the layout of the text was similar to a lock screen time and date. this means the audiences eye would be drawn to the text as the eyes would be used to focusing on that area of a phone screen making it easy to read. On the back cover I used the antenna bands as seen on a iPhone 6 to place the text but more to follow though from the boarder on the front cover. Using the penguin logo on the back like the apple brand mark on a device it is a subtle way of promoting the brand. On the back I included the information of what number the book was in the series.

I decided on 'Penguin Generation Collection' as the name of the series as I wanted it to show that the collection is meaning to bring the attention of a younger generation by its use of the modernisation of the design by the influence of technology.

I had a critique with fellow designers and within this I gained some points of how to improve my design and what was successful about my idea.

  • The technology element is subtle therefore it doesnt take away from the fact that the book is set in WW2.
  • The constancy is good however there needs to be something shown on the covers that shows what is inside/represents the chapters included.
  • The designs look quite flat is there a way of making them stand out more.
  • Can I make the spines or cover join together in some way to make the collection even more satisfying to collect.
  • Could I add some textures?
It was an overlying opinion that people thought it was a clever idea to have the collection made up of one book and to progress within my design I am going to look more into the illustrations.

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